
Monday 4 November 2013

EN: Coaching Myself in German and Networking

I have quickly started to like Zurich as "my new hometown " but I have to admit that the move here has exposed some flaws in my new situation. That is why I now work decisively to overcome them.

Weakness #1: I do not speak German like a German (let alone like a Swiss...)
  • I am fairly strong in German grammar, but I have to reach a more natural fluency in verbal communication. 
Method: Language Exchange and Conversation Get-Togethers
  • As of this week, I will have a language exchange (I teach Swedish and two Swiss teach me German) twice a week. On these occasions, I want to be interrupted and corrected every time I say something wrong. 
  • My first conversation get-togethers should have taken place last week but, unfortunately, they were both cancelled, so now I am looking forward to the two events this week: one with InterNations and one through MeetUp. At social meetings like these, the focus is on conversation and networking, rather than on the language itself, and that makes them an ideal complement to the language exchange. 
Objective: To, before the end of the year, attain such a high level that local companies see me as a possible candidate also for sales jobs where the customer base is dominated by German-speakers.

Weakness #2: I know too few people in Zürich
  • In "my former hometown" - Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona) - I was involved in many organisations and that gave me a huge network of friends, friends of friends and acquaintances and, on the other hand, further contacts through social media. Here I have neither the first nor the second.
Method: Active Participation in ExPat Networks
  • Zurich is a small city and public transport is perfect so there is no excuse to stay home rather than go out and meet new people. At this point of time, I begin to keep track of the activities offered within the international network InterNations and have just started exploring MeetUp as an alternative. 
Objective: To, before the end of the year, be seen as one of the most active networkers within InterNations Zurich and to have participated in at least three non-language related activities with MeetUp.

Apart from this I have started to get involved in different more traditional clubs, but more about that next week.

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Deutsche Version 
Svensk version

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